How To Grow and Care Anthurium Clarinervium - Yume Gardens Indonesia

How To Grow and Care Anthurium Clarinervium

Anthurium clarinervium is a very beautiful houseplant in Aroids. The leaves are curved like a heart and the white color combination is beautiful.
I want to teach you how to care for the Anthurium I use and maybe for general care,
The native country of Anthurium clarinervium is from Mexico. Since it's an epiphyte, it has special potting needs and I'll be getting one soon!
They are flowering, which looks the same as flowers from the aroid family because they have a spadix and a spathe.
This plant grows because of its thick, leathery, and striking leaves.


Anthurium Clarinervium: Care Guide

There are many types of anthurium that can grow very large indoors. Clarinervium is a small breed that is perfect for growing indoors. indoors, clarinervium can only grow 6'' and can be a bit bigger


Clarinervium loves bright light but not direct exposure. maybe you should keep it out of direct light, a little bit is ok.
but unless you live in an area where the days are shorter and cloudy, the sun's rays are very beneficial.
I put my plants in the window that gets the morning sun, but in summer, I place them outside in the shade under a big tree.


Anthurium will thrive in warm temperatures. provide him with around 70-90F (21-32C) if you can. I keep mine in my sunroom and it goes into the 60s (F) in winter, sometimes lower


Anthurium really likes humidity so it is suitable for planting in a greenhouse, but it can also be planted indoors but you have to be a little extra careful
If your room is dry due to winter, I recommend having a humidifier in your home.
I run it from around October or when winter comes, until April or May.
feed them with humidity around 40% or can be more at least 50%-60%
I used to use a humidifier in winter without stopping


this plant is like an orchid, it sticks to the tree and it often rains in nature, they are often exposed to rain but dry quickly
This is what you must apply at home.
Don't let this plant stagnate in water, it can kill it. after you water the anthurium, make sure you drain the water perfectly, so that no water gets caught in your plant and makes it dry quickly
do not water too often maybe every 3 days depending on the season.
besides having a good way of watering, you also have to have a good planting medium so that your anthurium thrives


Since anthuriums are epiphytes, they need well-draining soil. I used to add orchid skin, this is the secret of growing anthurium
you can start with 1 to 2-3 potting soil. this will provide high drainage for them to thrive

you can also mix a handful of pearlite into it.
Equal parts potting mix, perlite and orchid bark make this an excellent medium. This is the mix I'm currently using.


Fertilizer is active in Spring and Summer. The fertilizer I use is Dyna-Gro Grow and bought it in the marketplace. I add 1/4 teaspoon to a gallon of water and put it on a tropical plant. It is a FULL fertilizer and is urea free so it is not able to burn plants. I always use this fertilizer and recommend it to you, because I get very good results


Since these are epiphytes, they love air, please consider this. in nature they have good circulation because they grow on the edge of cliffs attached to trees and rocks.
Air circulation is very favored by many plants, especially epiphytes such as Anthurium. I'm not discussing cold wind, surely you will avoid it.
If it's warm outside, open the window so that the air circulates smoothly to your plants. putting it outside in the summer will provide good benefits because it will get rainwater, humidity, and good air circulation


Propagation should be done while you are repotting, if your Anthurium has more than one stem. separate each new establishment. make sure there are 1-2 roots in the part you are going to multiply

Where to Buy Anthurium Clarinervium

This may be the real challenge! This is a hot plant that is expensive and hard to find. Part of the Web does not have stock for this plant.
The most reliable location is Etsy.
Apart from that, here are other resources you need to consider and you can enter here. maybe I will give my shop for you to consider, because I have a lot of stock for tropical plants, I have my own garden.
Yume Gardens is my place to sell, and we'll beautifully package it for you



In general, root rot occurs due to over-watering, unsterilized media, lack of patience and a sense of worry, if the media dries up, the anthurium will die (from outside and inside, the cause is complete…)

This 'over-watering' is caused by our lack of experience with changing seasons and the environment in which the anthurium is located, as well as the use of media that is not suitable for the weather.
A simple example, the use of ferns as a medium. Fern media, if it is in a place that is exposed to light, it can dry out very quickly, but once it is in a shady, damp or wet place, it will last longer because the old fern roots 'hold' the water. Ideally, within 2 days the planting medium should be dry or at least slightly moist.

all-purpose potting mix, orchid bark and perlite and plant blooms. There are several things that can cause yellowing of the leaves, it's up to you to troubleshoot. Yellowing leaves can be caused by:
• Dried potting mix.
• Potting mix that is too wet.
and many things can cause this: lack of light, poor potting mix, pots without drainage holes, and large pots for plants


Usually, when the leaves dry out, it can be caused by the following:
• Too dry potting mix
• Too wet potting mix
• Low humidity. Try and provide at least 40-60% relative humidity in the room.
• Temperatures that are too cold or too hot.
that's the way to grow anthurium that I've used so far and maybe it's also common, most of them have used this method.

if you buy other plants you can also click below

  1. Anthurium Dorayaki
  2. Anthurium Sliver Blush
  3. Anthurium Dressleri


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